College and Career Programs

College Admission Support

For college admissions, we support patients, siblings of patients, and parents of patients.

Services we offer include help in selecting the college that is right for the student, application and essay assistance, and finding and applying for scholarships, grants, and financial aid. Once the student is accepted into college, we will provide ongoing mentoring to help the student adjust to college life, select courses, get academic help as needed, be a friend and source of advice, and also enroll them in our Career Mentorship Program. We will continue to serve the students in the same way if they decide to go on to graduate school and get an advanced degree.

Each donation covers the cost of putting one patient or family member through our college program.

Kevin Simme, Friends of a Feather Board Member, is a nationally recognized college funding consultant with over 25 years of experience. Kevin recognizes the financial burden college places on families, and will advise you through a five-step process from picking the perfect school to innovative, personalized how-to-pay plan strategies.

Career Mentorship

We firmly believe in connecting with professionals and entrepreneurs in the field that our friends are passionate about.

By providing access to our network, patients and their families will receive priceless professional and personal advice, and also begin building a network of their own that will open doors to the rooms they deserve to be in. Additionally, we hold sessions focused on resume and interview preparation so our program participants can receive feedback and are prepared for the next step in their career.

Share Your Story

If you or your child has gone through our college and career programs, please fill out the form below. Your story is extremely important to us and our mission.

Each donation covers the cost of putting one patient or family member through our college program.